My personal favorites of the many terrific books available:
- For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macauley. Inspirational; after reading this book you’ll feel you’ve stumbled upon something important. This book is very good on answering the “why” questions, but less helpful for telling you exactly “what” you are meant to do.
- When Children Love to Learn, edited by Elaine Cooper. An erudite collection of essays. This book was a turning point in my getting the “big picture” of Mason’s theory. The intended audience is the professional classroom teacher, but homeschoolers have also found this book very helpful.
- Real Learning: Education in the Heart of My Home by Elizabeth Foss. Written by a Catholic homeschooling mom. Foss is unattached to any particular philosophy and clearly seeks the truth in whatever approach she uses to guide her children; excellent chapter on avoiding burnout.
- A Charlotte Mason Education and More Charlotte Mason Education by Catherine Levison. This homeschooling mom has lived the Charlotte Mason life. She knows her stuff. Her little books cover the various subjects very succinctly. Very good on answering your “what” and “how” questions but the above books are stronger on answering “why” questions.
Website and Blogs:
Childlight USA: Scholarly website for promoting a CM education worldwide in both the home and traditional classroom.
Simply Charlotte Mason: One of my favorite websites. SCM has a blog, forum, and store in which you can purchase curriculum and other resources. Some free resources.
Charlotte Mason Help: A clean website with resources for your CM curriculum.
Mater Amabilis: A Charlotte Mason-style curriculum for Catholics. I don’t like all their books choices, but it’s still a wonderful reference for Catholic parents and a great place to find other Catholic parents interested in the CM ideal of learning.
A Charlotte-Mason Inspired Education: This website tries “to bring Charlotte Mason’s ideals and methods to modern families. Believing that Mason’s teachings are timeless, we’re not afraid to move those ideas out of the past into the modern age.” Debi offers consultations to parents who need help implementing CM.